The game can be played by two people, currently the website is standalone, in future we hope to make it available to play online against each other. To play, two people should each open the website on their own computer and click the Play button.
Once the page loads, click "Draw Card" to get allocated a character at random. Your task is to be the first person the re-identify your opponents character. To do so you need to ask whether their character has a particular data attribute. You will see the possible attributes on the left hand side. When you click on one you will see the different time windows available for that attribute. Select one and then ask your opponent.
For example, if you selected Bought a Coffee and between 8:00 am and 10:20 am you would ask, did you buy a coffee between 08:00am and 10:20am?. Your opponent will refer to their character and answer either Yes or No. You click the relevant button on your screen and you will see the remaining people filter down to those still eligible - much like folding down the characters in Guess Who?
Once you have just one remaining person you can guess the character, first to correctly guess their opponents character wins the game!